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Angioplasty On 67 Years Old Patient in Pune | Dr. Vaibhav Patil

2 Sep 2022

67-year-old lady had complaints of Acute onset breathlessness she had no chest pain and was admitted at Surat ,Gujrat with Hypertensive Heart disease Coronary angiography done at Surat suggestive of Proximal LAD Total occlusion (100% block). She was advised CABG (bypass surgery) . Patient did not want bypass surgery so she went to Nashik where she was posted for angioplasty. At Nashik her Angioplasty was not successful after 2 hours of trial. Patient and her relatives wants to do angioplasty so she went to 2-3 cardiac surgeon and 2 different hospitals at Pune, where she was advised CABG as final option for her disease. 
Patient came to show Dr. Vaibhav B Patil at Hriday Siddhee Heart & Skin Superspeciality clinic ,Sighgad Road, Pune. After looking patients general condition, 2D ECHO – Akinetic LAD territory ,LVEF 40% and angiography CD Dr Vaibhav B Patil had told she can be considered for Angioplasty with High risk as patients Serum Creatinine was on higher side.
Patient was posted for angioplasty with due care and all precautions as patient lesion was CTO (Chronic Total Occlusion). CTO lesion itself is very high risk and difficult to operate in renal compromised patient.Patient underwent successfully PTCA with Stenting (DES)to Ostioproximal LAD TO MID LAD. Post angioplasty patients 2D Echo suggestive of Improved LV function (LVEF =50). Patient discharged on 3 rd day in stable condition.
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