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ASD Device Closure for hole in heart in Pune | Dr. Vaibhav Patil

29 Jun 2022

Consultant and Interventional Cardiologist in Pune, Dr. Vaibhav Patil performed ASD device Closure. 31year old male with hole in heart (Atrial septal defect size 28mm)since childhood He had complaints of breathlessness since 2-3 years. He had done multiple echo on different occasions. He had came to show to Dr.Vaibhav B Patil at Hriday Siddhee heart & Skin Superspeciality Clinic ,Pune after Echo he was advised for ASD device closure .

He underwent successfully ASD device Closure (Life tech Heart R ) 34 mm in size . 
Post procedure patient is stable,tolerated procedure well under local anathesia.
ASD closure by ASD device closure.
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