The Real fighter | Complete Revascularization In CHIP (Complex & High risk Procedure)

The 74-year frail old man was admitted to COVID ICU on a mechanical Ventilator, post-discharge he had cardiac arrest received CPR and was admitted in a moribund condition had Acute Renal Failure. Unable to maintain Oxygen saturation with high flow oxygen – underwent angiography suggestive of Tripple vessel disease- advised to undergo Multivessel angioplasty in view of his general condition and terminal illness.

Had Brady arrest and mechanical ventilator post angio unable to maintain oxygen saturation.

The patient’s relative (a doctor by profession) had given consent to Death on the Table – the patient was taken for angioplasty once he came out of the ventilator.

Underwent PTCA with stenting to Ostio-Proximal RCA, Mid LAD & Proximal LCX. Dr. Vaibhav Patil – Cardiologist in Pune handled the case and the procedure was done uneventfully. The post-procedure patient had increased creatinine – dialysis not required- which was decreased after 7 days.

Post-procedure patients saturation was improving, the requirement of oxygen was less day by day, and creatinine was in decreasing trend

The patient had a loss of the voice because of laryngeal oedema which was improved with speech therapy.

The patient was discharged on walking and Good Voice after nearly 2 months of ICCU admission and very bad stormy course.


The Real fighter | Complete Revascularization In CHIP (Complex & High risk Procedure)

The Real fighter | Complete Revascularization In CHIP (Complex & High risk Procedure)

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